The Florida Geriatrics Society Proudly Presents:
33rd Annual FGS Symposium &
Dr. David T. Lowenthal Founders Award Poster Session
Sept 24- 25, 2022
Marriott Sanibel Harbour Resort - Fort Myers, FL
Need to book a hotel room with your meeting reservation? - Contact our Executive Director for assistance.
Speaker topic areas include:
Pain management, HELP: Hospital Elder Life Program, CKD-ESRD in Geriatrics, Orthostatic Hypotension, Hospital Falls Research & Data, Parkinson's Disease & Parkinsonism, Nursing Home Quality Measures, Telemedicine, and more!
Up to 10 PRA Category-1 CMEs will be provided through a CME Joint Providership between the

The FGS Board of Directors extends an invitation to our registered attendees, their guests, and our FGS partners to join us for a special
Welcome & Evening Networking Reception Sunset Cruise aboard the Sanibel Princess*
Please join us as we celebrate our organization and recognize our members and our supporting partners!
Physician and Allied Health Professional
Meeting Registration EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT
until Sept 10th
*There is a small fee per person for the optional Sunset Cruise & Networking event of $25 per person with up to 2 addtl guests - those 10 years and under are free. The option to sign up for the Sunset Cruise is available during the registration process. Space is limited -- to maintain an accurate headcount for the boat please notify our Executive Director Peggy if you have any guests under the age of 10. The boat cruise is subject to change and some restrictions may apply.

Sponsorship/partnerships and advertising opportunities are available:
Please contact FGS Executive Director at
For information on the
David T. Lowenthal Founder's Poster Session Award
visit our website or click: Lowenthal Award
The Florida Geratrics Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization
EIN # 59-3018212